LRC EDUCATION: Empower your knowledge


This blog originates from the simple idea of providing my students with extra studying material that I shaped and tailored specifically for my lectures in class, during my extensive teaching experience.

All that has been collected here regards English History and Literature divided in three main sections: from the Origins to the English Renaissance,  from The Puritan Age to Romanticism  and from The Victorian Age to Present Day. There is also another entire section dedicated to summaries of basic and intermediate grammar for students of English as a foreign language including useful studying methods suggested and video lessons too.


In time, however, different types of posts have also been added, these latter ones are primarily in Italian and are thoughts and ideas about the Italian education system in general. Through the greatest part of these writings I attempt to analyse in depth the various school reforms that have been implemented in the most recent years that have even radically changed the original aim and scope of Italian schooling.

All this research has been collected in a book: Trent’anni di “riforme” neoliberiste contro la scuola pubblica. But, I’ve also researched on other fields as well, such as the OECD-PISA international standardized testing, or on CLIL. The web site is then divided in two main parts: one that can be widely appreciated, I hope, by students and fellow teachers around the world and a second part perhaps, more interesting, for Italians.


Learning a foreign language requires three main ingrendients: basic knowledge of its mechanism (grammar), exposure and practice. It’s easy to learn from the comfort of our home provided there’s an experienced and skillful guide. We offer a wide range of lessons: individual or for small groups; for studying purposes or business as well. Whether you need to prepare for certifications, to gain access to University or anyother upper educations course; or if you need to practice before an important job interview. You choose the type of lesson and the number of lessons you need. Finally, we provide translations from Italian to English and vice versa. Learn more about our services.

  • Alternative didactic guides
  • A Guide to Enhance Your Study Methods
  • Online Translations, Lessons and Consulting

Learning is a treasure

that follows its owner


Chinese proverb.


Having acquired in many years of teaching experience I have transformed it in expertise and skills in the field that now I offer my clients to enhance their abilities and practical competences in the use of the English language, a superb asset in the business and study sectors.

About Me

I’ve been teaching English as a foreign language in Italian Secondary Schools for the past 15 years, I have an Italian Master’s Degree in Foreign Languages and Literature. Before teaching I worked as Translator and Interpreter at USNASSIG in Sicily (Italy). I’m bilingual Italian/English.

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